Yuliia Hopkalo. Group Work Activities With Traumatized People Who Were Affected By Military Actions.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 73-78. Odessa.

Yuliia Hopkalo,
junior research scientist,
Laboratory of Applied Psychology of Education,
Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Applied Psychology and Social Work,
98-A, Vito-Litovsk Lane, Kiev, Ukraine



The problematic of mental traumatization and maladjustment of the personality as a result of extreme situations is very specific and diverse. The source of trauma is not only an objectively traumatic event, but also the imaginative activity of the psyche, which is formed on the basis of a previously experienced difficult event, unstable political, social picture of the world, lack of confidence in the future, stability and security. An attempt to build psychological aid based solely on the principle of symptom relief, anesthesia of mental pain and readaptation to the social environment is unlikely to be successful, since such an approach, which provides a detached view, without in-depth immersion in the individual experience of trauma and does not take into account the traumatogenic effect of unconscious fantasies which is one of the most powerful factors of trauma. The article refers to discussion and substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of group work activities with traumatized people who were affected by military actions based on art therapy, game technologies, psychological debriefing trainings. As a result of author's scientific researches it has been determined that the rehabilitation of persons with psychological trauma who have suffered as a result of military actions is an integral complex of medical, physical, psychological, social, pedagogical activities aimed at recovery of health, psychoemotional state and working capacity. The basis of group work activities with people who suffered as a result of military actions is psychotherapeutic methods and appropriate techniques: psychological counseling, suggestion therapy, hetero- and autorelaxation techniques, cognitive psychotherapy, psychological debriefing, transactional analysis, psychodrama, musical psychocorrection, speech therapy and etc. The choice of working methods and techniques is determined by the individual psychological characteristics of each person who suffered as a result of military actions and the compatibility principle to method.


person who suffered as a result of military actions, psychotrauma, group forms of psychological activities, methods, psychotechnics.




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