Yuliia Asieieva. Role of Influence of The Internet on The Suicidal Behavior of Adolescents.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 5-13. Odessa.

Yuliia Asieieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
senior lector of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychology,
Odessa National Medical University,
2, Valikhovsky Lane, Odessa, Ukraine



With the spread and rapid development of information and communication technologies and the global prevalence and availability of the Internet, the problem of the dissemination of information of various contents is gaining momen- Psychology - Medicine - Education Science and Education, 2020, Issue 3 13 tum. The information content of the Internet has no restrictions, except for scientific, political, economic information, there are also negative information platforms with aggressive, sexual and other negative information that affect network users, especially adolescents. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between suicidal tendencies among adolescents who have certain types of cyber addictions. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and generalization of socio-psychological, medical-psychological, psychological-pedagogical literature on the research topic), psychodiagnostic: Test: suicidal tendencies, INTERNET-UDIT (Internet Use Disorders Identification Test), COMP-UDIT Disorders Identification Test) and mathematical and statistical (data processing was done using the program "Microsoft Excel XP", and the statistical analysis package SPSS 26.0 for Windows XP). The sample consisted of 559 people, of whom 408 had certain types of cyber addictions, and 151 people who agreed to join the control group (relatively healthy). The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of bioethics and deontology on the basis of Odessa National Medical University; Non-profit municipal enterprise «Youth Friendly Clinic» City Student Polyclinic of Odessa City Council, NGO LGBT Association "LEAGUE". According to the results of the study, it was found that among the control groups there were no respondents who showed a pronounced tendency to suicide. Among the main groups of respondents, a pronounced predisposition to suicide in the largest number of respondents was found among girls in the age group from 16 to 18 years - 10.53% of respondents in all other major groups did not exceed 10%, the lowest rate of suicidal tendencies was found among boys in age category from 19 to 21 years - 2.99% of respondents. There is a direct dependence of suicidal tendencies on some types of cyber-addictions, namely computer and Internet addiction, which indicates the need to include this marker in the development of psycho-correctional programs for people suffering from cyber-addictions.


Internet, cyber-addictions, computer addiction, Internet addiction, suicide, suicidal behavior.




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