Yuliana Lavrysh. Individualization of Learning in Canadian Multinational Corporations: Foreign Experience And Ways of Implementation.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 77-83. Odessa.

Yuliana Lavrysh,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), assistant professor,
Department of English for Specific Purposes,
National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine



The corporations perceive human capital as the greatest potential for competitive advantage, and staff training as a prerequisite for achieving the company’s strategic aim since business success and market competitiveness directly depend on the ability of employees to provide life long learning. In the context of searching the ways of optimizing this process, the aim of our study is to determine the features and opportunities for the development of individualization of learning by means of information and communication technologies in multinational corporations in Canada in order to use their experience in Ukrainian higher education. The set of interrelated general scientific research methods was used to achieve this goal: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, which were used to study the scientific literature, programs and corporate training courses in multinational corporations in Canada. Analysis of training in Canadian multinational corporations shows that the use of the advanced information and communication technologies in independent non-formal learning, including mobile learning, social networks, Massive Open Online Courses, electronic coaching, corporate blogs, gamification, wikis, etc., contributes to the deepening of individualization of training, and the practice of employee’s independent planning and implementation of his/her learning process is becoming more common. The study concludes that individualization is an important aspect of training in Canadian multinational corporations. The basis of individualization of learning is self-direction, autonomy of students, their willingness to take responsibility for planning and implementation of all stages of their learning.


 corporate training, individualization of training, multinational corporations, employees, information and communication technologies, self-directed training.




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Tetiana Dudka, Mykola Chuma. Pedagogical Potential of International Comparative Research.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 84-90. Odessa.

Tetiana Dudka,
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Management
and Innovative Technologies, Social and Cultural Activities
Mykola Chumak
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor,
head of the Department of Theories and Methods
of Teaching Physics and Astronomy
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
9, Pirogov Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The content of the article provides a theoretical analysis of international comparative research, which potential is rather significant in pedagogical theory and practice. The relevance of the study has been problematized by the need to deepen the profile of international research cooperation to overcome the current destabilization processes. The priority of comparative analysis has been outlined at the level of phenomenological functioning. The importance of the influence of these factors (in particular, political, social and cultural, scientific, organizational, and methodological) on the development of the phenomenon under study has been considered as a whole. The theoretical (analysis, systematization, and modeling), empirical, and statistical methods have been used as research tools. The prospects for further development of international comparative studies of pedagogical centering have been presented in terms of the priority of the conditions of the decentralization. The cross impact on the domestic phenomenological functioning of two interrelated factors – the transformation of the socialist camp into the post-socialist space, the globalization and the integration of education into the international social and cultural space has been generalized. The supranational social orientation of the studied phenomenon has been considered in terms of its theoretical, methodological, and empirical content. The importance of exogenous (international educational policy, the level of international recognition of educational structures and the quality of educational training taking into account the requirements of the international labor market, indicators of external financing of educational projects, etc.) and endogenous (consistency of the norms of the current legal framework of the state with the trends of world educational progress, financing the development of the industry, the interest of management structures in the innovative development of education, etc.) determinants of the productivity of phenomenological functioning has been highlighted. The advantages of multi-object international comparative research over mono-object research in terms of the study of multifaceted pedagogical phenomena has been emphasized. It is worth noting that the priority of integration trends on the way to resolving everyday problems is especially relevant for the education sector, in which productive functioning is not possible under the conditions of international isolation. It has been emphasized that by comparing domestic and foreign branch achievements to make rationally balanced decisions at the national level, it is possible to gain further social and cultural well-being and educational progress. It has been identified that only with a fair assessment of the functioning of education, upbringing, and learning at the level of different countries, a set of effective measures to improve the efficiency of these branches can be chosen. A special value of pedagogically centered international research, which allows analyzing the chosen subject of the study within wide geographical and time limits has been generalized.


pedagogical potential, international comparative research, education, upbringing, learning.




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