Konstantin Shevchenko-Bitenskyi, Valeriy Bitenskyi. Innovative Direction in Theatment of Mental Illness Using Synergetic Effects of Brain Tissues.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 57-64. Odessa.

Konstantin Shevchenko-Bitenskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences),
State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankovskaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine
Valeriy Bitenskyi,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor,
corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankovskaya Str., Odessa, Ukraine



All etiopathogenetic concepts in modern medicine are based on causal, linear and deterministic relationships. The diseases with an unknown etiology obviously do not have pathogenesis and in relation to that there is no adequate therapy to date. Psychopharmacologists create pharma drugs for the treatment of mental illness based on the same linear principles. However, since the 60s of the 20th century, thanks to the discoveries of many great scientists (for example, Ilya Prigozhin –Nobel Laureate), ideas about nonlinear systems in the nature of the Earth and Human began to develop (Haken, 2007). In particular, most of the serious mental illnesses are classified as open, non-linear, unstable, selforganizing systems. It is obviously that these systems should be changed under the influence of “throwing” into their chaotic structure of a disturbing agent, creating new systems instead of painful ones on the basis of adaptive effects of pre- and postconditioning (PreC; PostC). We have examined and carried out a therapy with a “non-linear” complex of effects of cerebral hypo- and hyperthermia, inhalation of xenon (Xe) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) using intravenous induction and inhalation of valproate (normotimic effect) in 85 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders. A statistically significant (p> 0.001) therapeutic effect has been obtained in almost 100% (92%) of patients.


Synergetics, non-linear self-organizing open system, dissipative structure, fractals, preconditioning, chaos, obsessive-compulsive disorder.




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