Mariia Kanibolotska. The Sense of Teacher Belonging as a Premise For Success of Educational Reform: Methodological Principles of The Study.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 38-44. Odessa.

Mariia Kanibolotska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
researcher of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
15, Andrііvska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The problems of management of educational reforms in the context of world practices have been analyzed. Based on the study of international experience, the premises for the successful implementation of educational reforms have been identified: decentralization and autonomy of schools; effective leadership of administrators as a factor in stimulating innovative changes among the pedagogical community; gradual steps of the reforms; well-established communication and high degree of trust between all stakeholders; consensus-based participation, as well as openness to communication and tolerant exchange of views; the subjective sense of belonging of the participants at all stages of educational reform. Based on the results of the analysis of modern scientific knowledge, it has been established that individuals who feel involved into the community tend to go beyond personal interests for the group goals and implement socially significant tasks. There have been identified approaches to the under-standing of the sense of teachers` belonging. It has been also stated that the consolidation of opinions at the level of collective interests and values, as well as a positive affective background contribute to the formation and high manifestation of the sense of belonging. The levels of teachers` belonging in the context of educational reforms have been identified through the questionnaire. There has been established a link between teachers' sense of belonging and their willingness to implement competency-based approach into learning.


educational reform, management of the reform, pedagogical community, sense of belonging.




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