Olga Vovchenko. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on The Processes of Self-Identification of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 14-21. Odessa.

Olga Vovchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), doctoral student,
Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
9, Berlin M. Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is due to two aspects: first, the complexity of adolescence, psychological problems faced by adolescents, their parents, educators and teachers; secondly, the lack of research not only the peculiarities of self-identification of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, but also the interaction of emotional intelligence on the formation of self-esteem, Self-concept and self-identification in general. Because self-identification and emotional intelligence require the adolescent's personality to actively participate in its formation and formation. These are two constructs in the structure of personality, which are based on reflection, self-regulation, self-awareness and further determine the vector of life of the adolescent, his/her place in social life. The aim of the article is to identify and experimentally test the state of formation of self-identification in adolescents with intellectual disabilities and the impact on its formation of emotional intelligence. The study used theoretical (deductive, inductive) and empirical (methods of psychodiagnostics) methods. Psychological diagnosis of the state of formation of self-identification in adolescents with intellectual disabilities was carried out using the method of «Hand-drawn apperceptive test (PAT)», the method of «Who am I? » (by M. Kuhn), conversations, observations. The result of the study was a statement of the fact that the vast majority of adolescents with intellectual disabilities have a low level of self-identification, only a small percentage of the studied adolescents have an average level. Such results are due to such personal characteristics of the adolescent as asociality, anxiety, diffidence, lack of self-control, inability to control stress-filled emotional states, low level of selfregulation (including emotional and volitional self-regulation), low level of emotional intelligence formation.


adolescence, intellectual disabilities, self-identification, self-esteem, Self-concept, emotional intelligence.




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