Oleksiy Chebykin, Oksana Vdovichenko. Specificity of Risk Propensity in Age Crisis Periods of Ontogenesis.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 5-13. Odessa.

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Full member of the NAPS of Ukraine,
Oksana Vdovichenko,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The problem of the specifics of risk propensity in age crisis periods of ontogenesis is analyzed in the article. The theoretical and methodological analysis of approaches to the study of the problem of risk in psychology, as well as the selection of its specific levels have been described. The generalization of different approaches made it possible to note that the problem of risk is a multifaceted phenomenon and is considered from two directions: as positive which is characterized by a certain driving force of progress in general and personal development, in particular, and as negative which lead to regression, loss, etc. Based on the selected approaches, as well as the results of the research, the authors will follow the understanding of risk as a specific emotional and volitional action that activates various mental functions that are aimed at overcoming a dangerous situation. The aim is to reveal the severity of risk and to identify certain dominant levels in the age crisis periods of ontogenesis. The latter include crises of adolescence (13-16), early adulthood (30-35) and midlife (45-50). The complex of psychodiagnostic techniques, both the author's development and other researchers have been used to identify certain levels of risk propensity. It has been empirically shown that excessive, high, medium and moderate risk is more evident in adolescent crisis; excessive, high and low risk – in the crisis of early adulthood; high, moderate and low risk – in the midlife crisis. It has been found that the dominance of the affective factor, which is expressed in the emotional non-acceptance of the situation of uncertainty, excitement and confidence in the situation of uncertainty, anger and embarrassment in a situation of danger and personal anxiety is most typical in the adolescent crisis. The dominance of motivational and regulatory risk factor, namely indicators of the pursuance of perfection and benefits, focus on action during the planning and implementation of activities, engagement with life events, achievement motivation is typical in early adulthood crisis. The dominance of the cognitive risk factor, where the most important are the abilities to quickly solve creative tasks and to be tolerant to uncertainty is typical in midlife crisis.


 risk, Psychology of Risk, risk propensity, age periods, crisis, age crisis.




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