Hanna Slobodianiuk. To The Problem of Psychological Training of Future Teachers.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 29-33. Odessa.

Hanna Slobodianiuk,
PhD student of Psychology Department,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odessa, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific publications on the problem of psychological training of future teachers, which have been published in the international database of Web of Science, for the last twenty years. It was found that until 2008 there was an underestimated level of attention of scientists to the issues of scientific research on the problem of psychological training of future teachers. The vast majority of publications are articles which explore the formation of the necessary professional competencies with a psychological component in future teachers; innovations in forms and methods of mastering psychological knowledge are covered; data on the content of educational psychology as a scientific discipline, etc. are given. However, the analyzed scientific works are limited in their nature and do not take into account the very relevant areas of research on this topic.


 psychological training of future teachers, scientific database of Web ofScience, psychological and pedagogical training of future teachers, publication analysis, scientific research.




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