Evdokiya Dolgier, Marina Fidirko, Moroz Igor, Smoliakova Iryna. Study of The Physical State of The Students From Middle East Countries.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 75-81. Odessa.

Evdokiya Dolgier,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences of Physical education and sport), associate professor,
Department of Biology and Health Care,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Marina Fidirko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
National University "Odessa Law Academy",
33, Fountain road, Odessa, Ukraine,
Moroz Igor,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education,
National University "Odessa Law Academy",
33, Fountain road, Odessa, Ukraine,
Smoliakova Iryna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Head of the Department of Physical Education,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



The article analyzes the problem of the modern ideas about the physiological mechanisms, which support the health of foreign students in the organism-environment system in the conditions of study in institutions of higher education of Ukraine. The aim is to give a comparative characteristics of student's physical state from Middle East countries. The male fourth-year students from Egypt and Israel have participated in the study. The authors carried out the analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, parameters of physical development and indicators of cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems, physical work capacity of the foreign students. The study has showed the predominance of morphofunctional indicators of Israelis in comparison with students from Egypt in indicators of life index, strength index of wrist and posture dynamometry, chest excursion. It is probable that most of students from Egypt (36,4%) had overweight than students from Israel (8,3%). According to the Kerdoe’s Vegetative Index, ortho- and clinostatic tests, which characterize the influence of sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of autonomic regulation, the probable (p ≤ 0,05) differences between the groups of subjects have been obtained, that allows to state that foreign students have the imbalance in the autonomic regulation of body, so, to some extent, students in Israel have a tendency towards predominance of parasympathicotonic influences, while students from Egypt have a tendency towards predominance of sympathicotonic effects. The study of cardiovascular system types of physical activity and physical work capacity shows that most of the foreign students had a normotensive type of reaction to physical exertion, high and above average level of physical work capacity. According to the conducted study, a negative impact of the environment on the mechanisms of autonomic support of the cardiovascular system was revealed, that requires some attention and timely adequate correction in order to prevent disorders of the nervous activity and the adaptive capacities of the students’ body in the analyzed groups.


foreign students, physical state, physical growth, functional state.




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