Larysa Derkach, Larysa Konstankevych. The Use of The Mozaik Interactive Platform as a Social Object For Educational Interaction Between The Participants of The Learning Process.

(2020) Science and education, 1, 66-75. Odessa.

Larysa Derkach,
associate professor,
Department of the Ukrainian Language,
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
30-A, Vynnychenko Str., Lutsk, Ukraine,
Larysa Konstankevych,
Department of Natural and Mathematical disciplines,
Lutsk Pedagogical College
36, Volya Avenue, Lutsk, Ukraine



The article characterizes the Mozaik interactive platform and its main components – mozaBook and mozaWeb, which are used by lecturers-philologists to give classes on the Ukrainian language to undergraduate students whose specialization is "Secondary Education" (educational program "Ukrainian Language and Literature. World Literature"). The possibilities of use of the software at different stages of educational process have been described. The didactic functions of the use of the mentioned resources in the process of teaching the disciplines “Practicum on the Ukrainian language” and “Methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language” have been outlined. The mozaBook software has been analyzed as a social object which provides pedagogical interaction of scientific methodology of rational-logical thinking with emotional and imaginative presentation and perception of information. The possibilities of mozaBook and mozaWeb have been used to improve the perception and acquisition of scientific information and to increase the level of educational achievements. The authors have analyzed the expediency of using e-textbooks, media library, software for attaching information of various types and use of mozaBook tools (“Spelling and grammar”, “Parts of speech”, “Dictionary cards”, “Language games”, “Questionnaire”, “Decoding”, “Tests”) while explaining and illustrating theoretical material, summarizing and systematizing material that has already been learned. It has been shown that the Mozaik interactive platform and its components make the classes more informative, compact, emotionally attractive, mobile and multifunctional.


Mozaik interactive platform, mozaBook, mozaWeb, social system, social object, tools, didactic function, cloud environment.




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