Alexey Ganchar, Oleg Chernyavsky, Serhii Medynskyi, Ivan Ganchar. Estimation of Skills Formation of Swimming Among The Strongest Swimmers-Students at The XXX World Universiade in Naples-2019.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 40-46. Odessa.

Alexey Ganchar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, professor,
Department of Tactics and General Military Disciplines,
The Institute of Naval Forces of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
20, Gradonachalnitskaya St., Odessa, Ukraine,
Oleg Chernyavsky,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), 1st rank captain,
Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian and fundamental disciplines,
The Institute of Naval Forces of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
20, Gradonachalnitskaya St., Odessa, Ukraine,
Serhii Medynskyi,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
11, Tadeusha Kostyushka St., Lvov, Ukraine,
Ivan Ganchar,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports,
National University “Odessa National Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhson Str., Odessa, Ukraine



In this article the dynamics of the rating of command performances of strongest swimmers-students according to the results of receiving prize-winning among men and women, participants-winners of the final Universiade in Naples-2019. Swimmers-winners, who won gold medals for men (900 points) and women (881) in “points” equivalent almost indistinguishable (19 points). We determine the ranking of team performance of different countries in the representatives of different sex in the distances of sports swimming according to the results of winning the medals at the start of XXX World Universiade in Naples-2019. The authors' collective was studied: a) revealing the ranking in the performance of team performance of male and female swimmers at the start of the World Universiade-2019; b) introduction of the results of the study into the practice of physical education and sports in order to identify an objective rating of the success of the team performance of swimmers-students. In addition, professional interest is in studying the evaluation of swimmers' results, having won awards with gold, silver and bronze medals. The results of our study identified the unconditional leaders (top ten) of student swimming at the XXX World Universiade in Naples2019: USA-40 medals (17 men + 23 women), Japan-20 (9 men + 11 women), Russia-18 (15 men + 3 women), Italy-11 (5 men + 6 women), South Africa-6 (2 men + 4 women), United Kingdom-6 (2 men + 4 women), Australia-5 (2 men + 3 women), Brazil4 (3 men + 1 woman), Germany-3 (3 women), Sweden- 1 (men) medal. This trend is also seen among the award-winning silver medals (886 respectively, and 863 points, the difference-23 points) and received bronze medals (respectively 874 and 852 points, the difference-22 points). Thus, in the general summary table of the rating of teams-participants in Naples-2019, it should be included, not only the existing state of qualitative indexes of medals (gold, silver, bronze), but first of all quantitative indicators. Since the generalized gender differences (887 + 865 = 1752 – Average 876 points), allows to assess the advantages of achievement in points.


 ranking team, prize medals, swimmers male, swimmers women, Universidad, assessment of the achievements, table FINA.




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