Raisa Martynova. Types of Didactic Models of The Learning Process.

(2019) Science and education, 4, 15-22. Odessa.

Raisa Martynova,
Doctor of Education, professor,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankovskaia St., Odessa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the process of teaching any subject by means of its preliminary modeling. It has been proved that any didactic model consists of three blocks: organizational, which represents the stages of teaching; informative, which includes such links as: teaching objectives, elements of the major subject and components of the major subject content; procedural, which includes such links as: teaching methods, teaching aids, control of teaching outcomes. The form of interconnection of the named links shows that each previous link assumes the next one, and each subsequent link is based on the previous one. Their consistent implementation determines the dynamics of the teaching process. Such model has the properties of a system: INTEGRITY, manifested in the fact that a change in a link or their sequence will violate not only the logic of the teaching process, but will also suspend its implementation; HIERARCHY, manifested in the fact that the presented educational integrity is a structure of a higher level than its components; EMERGENCY, manifested in the fact that a simple sum of links will not lead to the dynamics of the teaching process; it is possible only with the fixed form of their relationship; FUNCTIONALITY, manifested in the fact that each link performs its own function, which proceeds from the function of the previous link, that, in its turn, determines the function of the next link; SYNERGY, manifested in the fact that none of the links can be a subject to bifurcation; otherwise, its destruction will lead to the destruction of the entire teaching process as a whole.


modeling, receptive assimilation, reproductive assimilation, productive assimilation, creatively reflective assimilation; stages of training, learning objectives, teaching methods, teaching aids, components of the learning content, elements of the subject of instruction, monitoring of learning outcomes.




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