Liudmyla Tsibukh, Illia Okul. Experiencing Peculiarities of Adolescence Crisis.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 68-72. Odessa.


Liudmyla Tsibukh,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Illia Okul,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University after K.D. Ushynsky,
Odessa, Ukrainian



The article deals with the issue of 21 year-age crisis and age division into periods of mental development and actually the late adolescence. Different points of view on the localization of crises in time have been reviewed. On the basis of the carried out theoretical analysis it has been found that crises appear with the emergence of new growth – that new type of personality structure and his/her activity, those psychological and social changes that appear for the first time at this age stage and which determine human consciousness in general, his/her attitude to the environment, and the whole development for this period. According to scientists, the complexity of studying the 21 year-age crisis is due to the fact psychological phenomena are influenced by two different systems: internal and external, some researches consider crisis experience as the symptoms of the age crisis while others – as symptoms of the professional self-determination crisis. On the basis of the carried out empirical study it has been concluded that most people experience the adolescence crisis at the age of 20-21. There is a negative correlation between the age and the loneliness indices, which can be explained by the changing priorities: from self-search defending one’s own ego – to sacrificing it. The empirical study has shown no correlation relationship between the ability to accept others with the indicators of age, loneliness, and spiritual crisis. Accepting others means to make an interlocutor feel that he/she exists from your point of view and everything happening to him/her is real. There has been also found no correlation relationship between the indicator of acceptance of others and other indicators, which can be explained by the availability of an alternative at each stage of the development.


adolescence; age crisis; adolescence crisis; feeling of loneliness; ability to accept others.




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