Valentyna Balakhtar. Professional and Personal Formations at Various Stages of Social Workers’ Professional Development.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 52-59. Odessa.


Valentyna Balakhtar
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Social Work,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
2, Kotsyubinskoho Str., Chernivtsi, Ukraine



The paper aims to highlight the essence of social workers’ personality development and to carry out an empirical research of professional and personal formations emerging at various stages of social work experts’ professional development. In order to reach the goal, the following basic theoretical and methodological approaches to the issue of personal development have been reviewed: psychodynamic, behavior and cognitive, existence and humanistic, activity, subject and deed, genetic and design, acmeological, axiological, reflexive, etc. The personal development term is interpreted ambiguously by scientists, as they are focused on different issues of this phenomenon (formation, development, regulation, etc.). The empirical research involved 625 social work experts living in different regions of Ukraine being at different stages of professional development. The following research methods have been applied: psychodiagnostic methods for studying components and formations of the respondents’ personal development, an author’s inventory of incomplete sentences, mathematical methods (correlation, dispersion and factor analysis). Statistical data processing was performed using SPSS (23.0 version). It has been found that most respondents’ professional and personal formations level is below average. Statistically significant differences between social workers’ personal development level and their gender, place of residence, work experience, etc. have been revealed. It has been found that the female social work experts’ personal development indicators are higher than those of the male respondents. Besides, the city social work experts have higher indicators of personal development as compared to those living in the country. The peculiarities of personal development of the social workers according to the work experience have shown its positive and dynamic nature.


social work, specialist, stages of professional development, professional and personal formations.




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