Antonina Kichuk. Modern Students’ Psychological Health Formation on The Context of Psychological Research.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 119-123. Odessa.


Antonina Kichuk,
(PhD) Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
Department of General and Practical Psychology,
Izmail State Humanitarian University,
12, Repina Str., Izmail, Ukraine



The article presents the review of current scientific ideas about a personality’s psychological health phenomenon. The absence of a common psychological approach to its study is due to various theoretical backgrounds characterizing key ideas regarding the understanding of personality psychology, and personality’s structural identity as well as the relationship between the personality and profession concepts. Psychological health of students is regarded as a personal, dynamic property, the variability of which is due, in particular, to subjectivity in the educational and professional space of modern higher education. The priority is given to the development of students’ axiological attitude towards their health, in the psychological sphere, the importance of activating mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-stimulation, self-realization and self-presentation. It should be taken into account that psychologists have not developed a single criterion approach to the study of psychological health as the most important trait of a student’s personality yet, although there are some “explanatory models”, among which scientists accept those of them which are basically focused on the constructs of adaptation, coordination, spiritual and creative potential fulfillment. Some psychological studies performed by Ukrainian and Canadian researchers of students’ psychological health phenomenon are considered to be rather functional. For example, the Canadian scientists dwell upon depressive symptoms, psychological anxiety, professional exhaustion (burnout), suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts as the criteria for students’ psychological health evaluation. The carried out analytical work has made it possible to substantiate the necessity of further research on the identified issue to study it in the context of psychological health emotional component characteristics as the most important parameter of its completeness.


 psychological health, personality, adolescence, axiological attitude towards psychological health, students.




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