Olga Sannikova, Aleksandr Sannikov. Adventurousness and Risk in The Structure of Making Decisions.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 111-119. Odessa.


Olga Sannikova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
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Aleksandr Sannikov,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher, associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Applied Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroga Str., Odesa, Ukraine
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The paper deals with the analysis of psychological peculiarities of determination as a stable integral personality trait. The research is relevant due to the increase of the need for theoretical and methodological generalization of studies concerning the issue of decision-making, and on the other hand, for the development of applied aspects of investigation of person’s determination. Special attention is paid to the development of the structure and mechanisms of determination functioning, analysis of its components as well as individual psychological features of their variations. 97 persons aged 23-47 divided into groups depending on the adventurousness level (16 respondents with the high level, and 21 persons with the low level) have taken part in the empirical study. The research aim has been addressed using the following methods and techniques: “Multidimensional Determination Scales” and “Decision-Making Inventory” for study and Education, 2018, Issue 9-10 119 ing decision-making characteristics; “Adventurousness Test” and “Risk Components Qualitative Characteristics Inventory” for examining adventurousness and proneness to risk. The results of the carried out correlation analysis of the relationships between the indicators of determination, decision-making and adventurousness and proneness to risk have been presented in the paper. There are positive significant correlation relationships between adventurousness and most indicators of risk proneness, as well as between adventurousness, risk proneness and determination indicators. It has been found that adventurousness acts like a source and cause of making decisions, an initiator of person’s activity aiming to reach a goal. A leading factor determining person’s adventurousness is his or her proneness to risk.


decision-making, decisiveness, proneness to risk, adventurousness, personality.




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