Denys Malieiev. Study of Value System of Experts With Different Levels of Professional Integrity.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 98-105. Odessa.


Denys Malieiev,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Personal Psychology and Development,
Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,
47, V, Stusa Str., Kramatorsk, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of psychological support in the context of the development of professional integrity of experts working for the departments of preventive activities of the National police of Ukraine. The study has involved 218 experts working in various Police Departments in Donetsk region. The research is based on the following methods: Professional Integrity Personal Inventory by Ye. Strizhov, Worker’s Personality Expert Evaluation by B. Bovin, Value Orientations Test by D. Leontiev, a modified variant of The Repertory Grid by G. Kelly, which have made it possible to examine the specifics of the semantic (conceptual) system of the respondents having different levels of professional integrity, to find out personal constructs of these experts’ professional awareness as well as their conceptual ideas about a flawless image of a reliable policeman based on the analysis of their professionally important qualities and work in general. A professional image of the respondents having the optimal level of professional integrity can be interpreted through the use of such categories as kindness, honesty, dignity, right, justice, and humanity. Such an understanding of one’s destination in a profession stimulates processes of self-fulfillment, self-development and sense of being satisfied with one’s work, forming a certain “value content”, which prevents the processes of professional deformation and negative personal transformations reducing professional integrity of an expert. It has been empirically proved that moral and value determination of personality’s behavior is a psychological factor contributing to the development of experts’ professional integrity.


 professional integrity, professionally important qualities, personal constructs, value orientations.




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