Olha Tsarkova, Наnna Varina. Origin of Sense of Guilt Transformation in Physically Disabled Children’s Parents.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 78-85. Odessa.


Olha Tsarkova,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, Department of Psychology,
Наnna Varina,
senior lecturer, Department of Psychology,
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnytsky,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine



The paper deals with the experimental survey of parents’ sense of guilt transformation and their attitude to their children’s physical disabilities. Inadequate awareness forms have a destructive impact according to which a style of interfamily relations, a system of relations between a family and the society, features of parents’ worldview and values get deformed. A sense of guilt is considered as a complex cognitive and behavior phenomenon combining fear, self-abasement, self-aggression and involving a system of psychological defenses moderating stress caused by these negative feelings. The aim of the research is to carry out a theoretical analysis and an experimental survey of physically disabled children’s parents’ sense of guilt. The study was carried out at Dnipropetrovsk regional psychiatric hospital, department 42, and Research Institute for Child and Family Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Medical and Psychosocial Rehabilitation, and was based on the following research methods: IGQ-67 modified by O. Belinska, Test of Self-Conscious Affect (TOSCA) by J. Tangney, The Guilt Inventory by K. Kugler, U. Jones, Attitude to Child’s Disease Test by V. Kagan, I. Zhuravliova, Parental Attitude Test by A. Varga, V. Stolin. As a result of the research it has been found that it is a complex inner psychological phenomenon originated from the incomprehension of duty, ignoring self-dignity and self-identity because of self-blaming in child’s disability, experiencing moral suffering and search for hypercompensation. It has been found that maladaptiveness, sensibility, and preclusiveness are peculiar for the parents having children with physical disabilities. The parental sense of guilt in this context involves feeling guilty because of detachment from the family and focus on external causes of guilt. It should be emphasized that a sense of guilt acts as a character trait, not just as a state. The empirical research makes it possible to note that it is parental attitude of acceptance-nonacceptance which is one of the primary factors forming the style of parent-child relations and parents’ attitude to the disease.


sense of guilt, parental attitude, moral trauma, moral suffering, traumatic experience, maladaptation.




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