Volodymyr Lizohub, Vitalii Pustovalov, Nataliia Chernenko. Is it Possible To Predict Academic Success With The Help of Main Nervous Processes Properties and Psychic Functions?

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 59-66. Odessa.


Volodymyr Lizohub,
Doctor of Biology, professor, Department of Anatomy,
Director of Physiology Research Center named after Mykhailo Bosyi,
Vitalii Pustovalov,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport Games,
Nataliia Chernenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Department of Anatomy,
The Bohdan Khelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
24, Dashkevycha Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of determining the role of individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes in academic success and psychic (mental) functions of secondary school students. The following research methods were used in the study: scientific literature review, determination of individual-typological properties of CNS (central nervous system), short-term visual memory and volitional attention; expert assessment of the respondents’ academic success, variation statistics. It has been found that the students with the academic success above average are characterized by better indicators of individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes and functions of memory and attention. Statistically significant differences of individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes, attention and memory were detected in groups of the students with different levels of learning performance. The students with above average and average academic success levels were also characterized by high indicators of the typological properties of the basic nervous processes, the volume of short-term visual memory and efficiency of attention in comparison with their peers with a low level. The results of the statistical and correlation analysis have proved that individual-typological properties of the basic nervous processes make up psychophysiological basis of the psychic functions and the success of learning performance of school students. A multiple regression analysis of the complex of psychophysiological indicators of students and their comparison with academic performance helped to predict integral assessment of learning activities, taking into consideration the data about the level of individual-typological properties of CNS, memory and attention. According to the indicators of individual-typological properties, memory and attention it was offered to conduct pedagogical selection of students to classes and educational institutions with increased requirements for studying. Knowledge about the peculiarities of educational activity, taking into consideration the individual-typological properties of the central nervous system provides an opportunity for specialists to predict and correct the pedagogical processing order to increase its efficiency.


academic success, properties of memory and attention, typological properties, functional mobility, power of nervous processes.




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