Fedor Kazanzhy. Implementation of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy Methods in Physical Education Practice.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 35-44. Odessa.


Fedor Kazanzhy,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Department of Physical Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Interdisciplinary psychological and pedagogical researches reveal new perspectives in the development of these related sciences, enrich pedagogical practice with new methods. The critical analysis of theoretical and methodological literature is a necessary stage in the development of a new scientific concept (we used it as the main method). An important aspect taken into account in this work is the well-known scientific statement based on the fact that physical education methods do not ignore the personal side of a person, but claim that both in the ancient and modern world, the development of the body is undoubtedly connected with the upbringing of certain qualities. The aim of this article is to comprehend the existing psychological, psychotherapeutic schools in order to create a methodological basis for the development of physical education methods. As the work is theoretical and methodological, the main methods of the research are well-known theoretical ones that help to find out evident and latent patterns, separate the essential from the non-essential, thus determining the dynamics of general development. Such theoretical methods as analysis, extrapolation, comparison, generalization, systematization, interpretation of facts, etc., have been used. Thus, some bodyoriented psychotherapeutic approaches have been described and analyzed in terms of their expediency in physical education practice, and the criteria for assessing their conformity to the pedagogical tasks have been identified. The aims and ways of the development of a new interdisciplinary direction combining pedagogical, psychological, medical and rehabilitation theories and techniques have been outlined. As a result, a new method of physical education influencing both the body and the psyche can be proposed. The importance of the holism principle as the main methodological idea has been noted.


 physical education, body-oriented psychotherapy, development, psyche, holistic approach.




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