Heorhii Danylenko, Marina Kindruk. Academic Performance of General School Students and Its Impact on Their Health.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 22-27. Odessa.


Heorhii Danylenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
State Institution “Institute of the Health Care of Children and Adolescents
of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”,
52-A, Yuvileinyi avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Marina Kindruk,
teaching assistant, Department of Hygiene and Social Medicine,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
6, Svobody Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



An educational institution is one of social determinants in the formation of school students’ health. Nowadays, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each student, reducing the impact of negative factors on their health in the educational institution. During the educational process, the educational achievements of schoolchildren are assessed, which is considered as their academic performance. When speaking of the academic performance, one means a degree of the knowledge and skills gained by the students as a result of studying. Today, the educational process is characterized as stressful and intensive due to the increase of the amount of new information for schoolchildren and time pressure to its acquisition; the number of compulsory academic disciplines at schools; the working hours and extracurricular activities, which may have a negative impact on the functional states of children. The paper aims to examine the impact of the academic performance of secondary school students on their health. 1004 9 th -graders (512 boys and 492 girls) were suggested to fill in an anonymous questionnaire concerning their academic performance, behavior and free time. According to the research results, the educational activity plays an important role in the life of schoolchildren and affects their health, both positively and negatively. The hygienic assessment of the impact of school students’ academic performance includes that they understand their educational levels and are motivated to get good marks. There are some gender differences in the significance of marks, thus, academic success is more important for girls. Most of the respondents seek to increase their academic success for the sake of their further lives, and some of the students want to achieve it just to please their parents. Most of the students characterized by a rather low academic performance tend to have improper behavior and health deterioration risks due to the lack of knowledge about health-saving issues.


academic performance, health, general school, schoolchildren, educational activity.




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