Oleksii Holovchenko, Andrii Tytovych, Iryna Vostotska. Psychological and Pedagogical Reasoning of Health Physical Component Formation in Students Engaged in Different Forms of Physical Activity.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 15-21. Odessa.


Oleksii Holovchenko,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports, associate professor,
Department of Sporting and Physical Education,
Andrii Tytovych,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports, associate professor,
Department of Sporting and Physical Education,
Iryna Vostotska,
senior lecturer of the Department of Sporting and Physical Education,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



Today there is a steady deterioration in the health and physical development of young people. The paper aims to assess the state of the physical component of students’ health depending on the forms of their physical activity. To address this goal, 143 students aged 17-23 years were examined. The types of physical activity were divided into physical training classes in the main and special medical groups - a standard group of physical education classes (98 students) and an expanded group (45 students) involving the students attending additional classes in sports sections, gyms, fitness clubs. The physical health component of the students was assessed using SF-36 Health Status Survey. It has been found that 57.34% of the students have “good” health; 62.24% are not susceptible to illnesses as compared to others; the health of 67.13% of the students is not worse than others; 54.55% do not expect health deterioration; 31.47% may experience weak pain for several times during a month. The formation of the physical component of health of the students engaged in additional physical culture activities is due to their confidence in the absence of propensity to illnesses, anxiety about possible deterioration of health, lack of restrictions on performing intensive physical activity, pain sensation and insecurity concerning health issues. The quality of life of the respondents is mediocre, as evidenced by values of physical and psychological components. The probable difference, depending on the forms of physical activity of the respondents, has been found according to the general health status scale. In the group of the students, engaged in additional physical culture activities, the values are higher, which indicates the positive impact of physical activities on the state of health. As a result of the correlation analysis, the relationship between general health and physical functioning, role performance, bodily pain, and body mass index has been found.


 physical health, physical activity, body mass index, students.




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