Vitaliia Shebanova, Tеtіana Yablonska, Liana Onufriіeva. Impact of Eating Behavior Normalization and Weight Correction Program on Self-Image of Overweight Women.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 105-112. Odessa.


Vitaliia Shebanova,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Practical Psychology,
Kherson State University,
27, Universytetska Str., Kherson, Ukraine,
Tеtіana Yablonska,
Doctor of Рsychology, Senior Research Fellow,
Assistant of the Department of Developmental Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
60, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Liana Onufriіeva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology,
Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology,
Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ogienko University,
61,Ohienko Str., Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.



In the 21st century, obesity has become a social problem in many countries, including Ukraine, where over 32% of the population are overweight people. Overweight is associated with an increase of the risk and frequency of many diseases and a significant deterioration of the individual’s quality of life. Today, the researchers (both theorists and practitioners) emphasize in their works that the disorders of eating behavior are to a large extent the result of disturbance of the body image, and that is why both psychocorrection and psychotherapy of the body image and self-image are necessary for a complex correction of these disorders. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of the eating behavior normalization and weight correction program on the self-image of overweight women. For the psychological diagnostics of the features of the self- image, the following methods were applied: 1) Self-Attitude Test by V. V. Stolin, 2) The Color-A-Person Body Dissatisfaction Test: of V.G. Sakharova, 3) Body Self-Perception Inventory by V. Shebanova. Diagnostics after the implementation of the program has proved its effectiveness, namely: a) a significant improvement of general self-esteem (p≤0.01), increase of self-esteem (p≤0.05), self-acceptance (p≤0.01), self-interest (p≤0.05), improvement of self-understanding (p≤0.01); b) all women showed increased satisfaction with their bodies and their certain parts (p≤0.01); c) despite the objective weight loss, the women continued feeling discomfort about their appearance in some situations. Thus, normalization of eating behavior and weight correction by deliberate making efforts greatly improves the perception of body and general self-attitude of overweight women.


eating disorders, obesity, overweight women, self-image, body image, normalization of eating behavior, weight correction.




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