Aleksandr Pryimakov, Jerzy Eider, Stanislav Prysiazniuk. Improving Precise Movements Teaching Technique in Physical Education.

(2018) Science and education, 7-8, 83-91. Odessa.


Aleksandr Pryimakov,
Doctor of Biology, professor,
University of Szczecin,
Jerzy Eider,
DSc in Physical Culture, professor at University of Szczecin,
Faculty of Physical Education and Health Promotion,
University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland,
Stanislav Prysiazniuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
State University of Telecommunications,
5, Solomenska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The research is focused on examining the reliability of functioning and reserves of the control system of the movements with different coordination structure. The research sample consisted of 136 female students (age: 17-19). They were divided into 2 groups – control and experimental. The program aiming to increase the reliability and reserves of movement control system was implemented during Physical Education classes in the experimental group. The technique is based on physical exercises of complicated coordination with novelty elements executed with music background. The experimental program had a positive effect on the motor function of the experimental group students. The improvement of precise movements control in the EG was characterized by an increase of motor regulation quality, quick transition to the programmed mechanism of regulation under stable conditions of movements execution, as well as by an uprating of compensatory adjustment in order to maintain reliability of the motor function under the influence of confounding factors. The above mentioned indicates the increase in the reserve capabilities of the motion control system and serves as the criteria for these reserves.


 female students, management, precise movements, sensory deprivation, compensatory reactions, physical education.




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