Yana Sukhenko. Psychological Time as a Determinant of Individual Educational Path.

(2018) Science and education, 5-6, 102-108. Odessa.


Yana Sukhenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Personal Development, doctoral student,
University of Education Management, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-a, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the psychological time as the determinant of the individual educational path of a personality. An independent variable is the temporal properties of the psyche (τ-type, the quality of the course of the biological clock, the phase of the big biological cycle, the orientation of the person in time), dependent –general abilities, motives, stylistic features of the educational activity as referents of the individual educational path. Psychodiagnostics was carried out according to the method of determining the individual unit time of personality (B. Tsukanov), a short selection test (E. Vanderlik, adaptation of V. Buzina), a questionnaire for identifying the implicit goals of the educational process (K. Dvek, adaptation of T. Kornilova, S. Smirnov), a questionnaire for determining the type of motivation for educational activity (R. Valerand, T. Gordeeva's adaptation), a questionnaire on educational activities styles (P. Honey, A. Memford, A. Ishkova, N. Miloradova's adaptation), a questionnaire compiled on the basis of P. Lushyn’s types of realization of individual training principle by a personality. It has been found that τ-type of a person affects the peculiarities of the development of general abilities – technical intelligence, attentiveness, and willingness to experience situations of uncertainty in learning. Personality orientation in time correlates with the level of the maturity of general, verbal intelligence, and the manifestation of the activity style. The quality of a person’s biological clock is a prerequisite for the development of his/her general abilities (general, verbal, technical intelligence), the formation of the dominant style of activity, and the implicit ideas of the intellect as a property that changes, and gets enriched while studying. The correlation relationship between the phases (quarters) of the big biological cycle and the individual educational path is confirmed only at the level of the tendency. The obtained results confirm the hypothesis about the psycho-physiological determination of the individual educational path and encourage the study of personal factors at the next stage of the research work.


: individual educational path, τ-type of individual, big biological cycle, academic motivation, implicit theory of learning, style of activity.




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