Tеtіana Rudiuk. Formation of Lexical and Phraseological Competency of Senior School Students Based on Communicative-Activity Approach.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 73-79. Odessa.


Tеtіana Rudiuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Methodology of Teaching Ukrainian Language and Literature,
Nizhyn State University named after Mykola Hohol,
2, Hrafska Str., Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, Ukraine



The paper deals with a theoretical and experimental study of the formation of lexical and phraseological competency of senior school students on the basis of the communicative-activity approach. The application of the communicativeactivity approach when teaching lexical-phraseological richness of the native language to senior school students significantly increases the efficiency of the educational process and is an integral part of the formation a nationally conscious personality, capable of constructive social interaction. There have been distinguished the levels of the lexical and phraseological competence (creative, normative, reproductive, original) of senior school students formed as a result of the communicative-activity approach application: the desire for self-realization, interpersonal interaction, adjustment of the normative aspect of the language system through the prism of national or intercultural communication, self-reflection and the outline of promising jobs. The work on the development of the competency through the prism of the communicative-activity approach was carried out in stages: formation of motivation to master lexical and phraseological richness of native and foreign languages, planning and participation in communicative-activity interaction, self-reflection. It was found out that the artistic-literary experience, planning of the corresponding training and social interaction, situations of real and imaginary communication had positive impact on productivity of the students’ lexical and phraseological potential development. Based on the conducted pedagogical experiment, statistical positive changes could be observed in the levels of lexicalphraseological competence maturity. The reliability of the results of the experiment was confirmed by the successful implementation of the creative tasks by the students.


vocabulary, phraseology, communicative-activity approach, personality, construct, self-realization, self-reflection.




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