Oleh Dolzhenkov, Oksana Sakaliuk. Cross-Cultural Management at Educational Institutions.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 43-48. Odessa.


Oleh Dolzhenkov,
Doctor of Political Science, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Educational Management and Public Administration,
Oksana Sakaliuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Educational Management and Public Administration,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the necessity and importance of cross-cultural management in educational institutions and the introduction of cross-cultural content in the training of principals. The polyethnic nature of the Ukrainian society predetermines the necessity of future experts’ development in the field of cross-cultural management and communications, and the need for the training of staff in this direction. The cross-cultural management concept is an area of administration science, whose subject is the management of relations emerging ‘at the border’ of national cultures, as well as the identification and use of behavioral patterns inherent in the national business culture in the organization management. The basic provisions of cross-cultural management have made it possible to determine its main goal, and the results of expert assessment helped to outline the tasks of cross-cultural management, which should be implemented by a principal in the process of managing a modern educational institution. The foundations of society cultural focus (values, attitudes, behavior) and its main aspects (acceptance of other people, attitude to the world, relations between people, activity, perception of space and time), which act as original factors (driving force, cause) of cultural management implementation and determine its content and nature, have been clarified. The solution of cross-cultural management tasks requires principals to possess cross-cultural knowledge. Besides, their solution will be contributed by their ability to show tolerance; awareness of the need to prevent conflicts in the educational environment; the ability to take into account the ethno-sociocultural traditions of the region in the planning of educational activities; overcome cultural and communicative barriers by means of a dialogue. The above-mentioned indicators have been assessed in master students majoring in “Educational Institution Management” using a set of diagnostic measures, and the results have shown that they predominantly have a basic level. The results obtained show the need to improve the modern process of training education managers (principals).


cross-cultural management, education managers, educational institutions, tasks of cross-cultural management.




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