Mykhailo Baimuratov, Ivan Myshshak, Oksana Krynytska. Mechanism of Ensuring Quality of Higher Educational Institutions’ Work.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 35-42. Odessa.


Mykhailo Baimuratov,
Doctor of Law, professor, chief scientific advisor,
Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
the Honored Man of Science and Technology,
Ivan Myshshak,
Doctor of History, chief scientific advisor,
Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivskyi Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Oksana Krynytska,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences),
Odessa National Academy of Food Technolodgies,
112, Kanatna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the peculiarities of the functioning of the mechanism of ensuring the quality of higher educational institutions’ work. At the present stage, the process of integration of the national system of higher education into the European and world educational space is actively taking place in Ukraine, the modernization of educational activities in the context of European requirements is being carried out. Consequently, the assurance of the quality of educational activities is now on the top of the agenda of higher educational institutions and is one of the criteria of the effectiveness of its management. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and technological direction of improving the quality of educational activities of higher educational institutions in the context of the formation of the corresponding mechanism. The objectives of the article are to develop scientific and methodological provisions on the functioning of the mechanism of managing the quality assurance system of educational activities of higher educational institutions and conducting an experimental research that will identify the directions of improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine. In carrying out the research, the expert methods, in particular the questionnaire method, were used. The conceptual scheme of the mechanism of ensuring the quality of educational activities of higher educational institutions is proposed and it is determined that the factors affecting the external and internal environment influence the effectiveness of its functioning. The technology of raising the quality of higher education with the participation of the National Agency, based on a powerful methodological basis in the form of a quadratic approach: human-centered, systemic, competence and synergetic, has been grounded. The state-public administration can become the newest mechanism of ensuring the quality of higher education. The measures of effective functioning of the mechanism of quality assurance of educational activities in higher educational institutions have been determined.


 higher education, educational process, competitiveness of education, quality of education, educational activities, mechanism.




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