Nataliia Kolesnichenko. Conditions of Future Germanic Studies Specialists’ Professional Image Formation.

(2018) Science and education, 4, 99-104. Odessa.


Nataliia Kolesnichenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Germanic Philology,
Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University,
24/26, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, Odesa, Ukraine



The article highlights psychological and educational conditions and factors contributing to the professional image formation of future Germanic studies specialists as translators throughout the process of training at the university. The essence and ways of practical implementation of defined psychological and educational conditions are revealed. They help to form a professional image of future Germanic studies specialists as translators. The article also studies interactive teaching methods, research and heuristic tasks promoting qualities of translator’s multicultural linguistic identity as a mediator of intercultural communication. The following ways of identifying psycho-pedagogical conditions aiming at qualifying competitive translators among students majoring in Germanic studies have been distinguished: defining social services commissioning as to the levels and quality of future specialists in Germanic studies professional training; revealing the peculiarities of the educational process organization at the university in German languages and translation specialty; specification of the essence and structure of the professional image of future specialists in Germanic studies as translators.


 image of a translator, future translators’ image-forming training, psychological and educational conditions of professional training of Germanic studies students, professional image formation, future specialists in Germanic studies, multicultural linguistic identity.




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