Larysa Savchenko. Functional Role of Monitoring in Assessing The Quality of Future Handicraft Teacher Training.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 186-192. Odessa.


Larysa Savchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Technological Education,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharin Avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



The paper aims to investigate the specificity of using education quality monitoring as a mechanism of assessing the quality of future teachers training. The comparative analysis of the national system of educational indicators of monitoring with the systems of educational indicators of other countries of the world has been carried out. This has made it possible to design an algorithm for assessing the quality, efficiency, and availability of education in our country compared to others. It has been found that today the international practice operates several means of measuring the educational achievements of students: PISA; TIMSS; PIRLS; IEAP; CIVICS; SITES, but unfortunately there is an urgent need to develop and implement an effective and reliable model of education quality monitoring in terms of future teachers training in Ukraine. The education quality monitoring in terms of future specialists training at all educational levels is carried out according to educational and professional programs in two directions: staged, or continuous. The following types of education quality monitoring have been distinguished: diagnostic, expert, control, accompanying pedagogical monitoring. The following kinds of group monitoring of the education quality into the future handicraft teacher training have been implemented: Delphi method; simulation of pedagogical situations of different levels of complexity; web quests (School Rating); business games consisting of different contests; creative tasks and others.


monitoring, educational services, quality of education, future specialist, diagnostics, technological direction.




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