Olga Gerega, Maryna Voloshenko. Pedagogical Causes of Teenage Pregnancy.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 60-63. Odessa.


Olga Gerega,
student, specialty “Social work”,
Maryna Voloshenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of psychology and Social Work
Odesa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



In today’s society there is an accelerated development of social disadvantages, especially clearly it is found among adolescents. Drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, smoking, early sexual intercourse, unwanted pregnancy - this is far from a complete list of the consequences of the fall in moral standards of the growing generation of the 1990s. Adolescent pregnancy is probably not so much a medical problem as a social one. As a young mother is usually unable to independently provide herself, let alone a child. In addition, she often faces condemnation, even the negative attitude of the environment, including her relatives. The social well-being of a pregnant woman is prone to the impact of socioeconomic instability of the society, the situation of the chronic economic crisis, which negatively affects the recognition of the society of a specific social status of a woman during pregnancy and the appropriate care of society about health and safety of future mothers. Stress factors and stressful living conditions that have a negative impact on the reproductive health of women and infants play a destabilizing role. At the same time, the friendly family atmosphere, the support of close people, the sustainability of the socio-economic and marital status of women, can largely neutralize social risk factors.


teenager, pregnancy, behavior, family, help.




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