Nikolay Moga. Muscle Spasticity and Its Connection To The Myophasic System in Children With Central Paresis.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 44-49. Odessa.


Nikolay Moga,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
PhD student of the Department of Orthopedagogy and Rehabilitation,
National Pedagogical University named after MP Dragomanova,
8, Turgenevskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine



Traditionally, the problem of muscle spasticity was considered by experts as a kind of a local problem associated with the inhibition or traumatization of the central motor neuron in a certain part of its path. In this approach, only the first stage of the causal relationship of the two systems was reflected: the nervous and muscular systems. Further, intrasystem relations of the muscle and the entire muscle complex arise according to the type of harmonization or destructivization of this system’s activity. To resolve this problematic situation, the article deals with the original theory of Thomas V. Myers about “anatomical train” or “myofascial meridians” as an integral skeletal-muscular system of the human body, which forms the basis of the anatomy and motor activity. Key ideas of tensegrity as a structure of balanced compression-tension of the musculoskeletal system are identified, and it is necessary to rush to the targets, carrying out the correction of motor disorders in young children with a central type of paresis by means of physical education. For a deeper understanding of the activities of these mechanisms of children’s myofascial status harmonization, the main myofascial lines were briefly characterized: superficial posterior line, superficial frontal line, lateral line, spiral line, arm lines. On this basis, a working hypothesis was formulated of using the capabilities of the holistic myofascial system of the child’s body to correct both the tonic state of individual spastic muscles and improve the overall motor status. To test the formulated hypothesis, the directions for the implementation of remedially directed physical education of young children with central paresis of different localization levels were indicated. An attempt was made to use the knowledge of the basics of the functioning of myofascial meridians to increase the efficiency of diagnosing the state of musculoskeletal formations in children with spastic paresis, developing strategies and tactics for correcting their tonic state, methods and techniques for adjusting the balance of compression and tension of these structures to improve children’s motor activity and the efficiency of their mastering the basic motor regimes. The preparatory work by means of physical education should be preceded by preparatory work aimed at normalizing the whole myofascial system of a child with a spastic type of movement disorders, which can be carried out using purely medical techniques and based on the means of physical education of children.


muscles, fascia, myofascial meridians, spasticity, young children, spastic paresis.




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