Galyna Megega. Students’ Thinking Restructuring To Historical, Social and Philosophical Principles To Form Their Competitiveness.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 25-33. Odessa.


Galyna Megega,
PhD, Associate Professor,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Dnipro Academy of Postgraduate Education,
70, Volodymyra Antonovycha Str., Dnipro, Ukraine,
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The article explains the problem field in the philosophy and practice of execution of the state order for educational services provision in the format of the industrial revolution and the modern labor market challenge. The tendency in the transition from STEM-education to STEAM-education has been analyzed as a strategic vision of social relations improvement. The basic components of the mechanism of methodological approaches implementation to the formation of thinking philosophy restructuring in the educational process, based on the European vector of integration have been studied. The problem field of the overall context of substantive component of the educational process in modern school has been considered at the intersection of philosophical bases, educational thought and public administration theory. Thus, the dependence of organizational, legal and substantive component of the activities of heads of educational institutions from the state-public management model, with domination of the state order for educational services has been revealed.


STEM-education, ARTS-education, methodological postulates, human and moral value systems.




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