Оlena Azarkinа. Gifted Children’s Behavior Features in Training and Interacting With Others.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 68-71. Odessa.


Оlena Azarkinа,
senior lecturer,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Odesa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



The restructuring processes that have gained momentum in modern Ukrainian society are unthinkable without activating and realizing the creative potential of its citizens, without creating favorable conditions for the training and education of gifted children. The leading role in the attitude of gifted personality is played by the peculiarities of the child’s social environment, the characteristics of life events, leaving their mark in the mind. At first glance, an event that occurred in a childhood may be a first link in the formation of a gifted personality. Therefore, a significant role in the process of timely detection of children’s giftedness, its development and the formation of the personality belongs to the parents. After all, a lot depends on how they behave when the child becomes unusual. Understanding such a uniqueness is an integral part of the developmental and educational interaction of parents with gifted children. Analysis of the peculiarities of the mental composition and social behavior of gifted children makes it possible to conclude that their own priorities, inclinations and hobbies are strikingly different from their peers. According to researchers, it raises a number of problems in the way of maintaining the real contact between a gifted child and the environment. Among the problems unusual children are facing in everyday life are as follows: no tendency to conformism (causing disturbance to others, especially adults); deepening into philosophical problems (perceived inadequately); “internal intolerance”, discrepancy between physical, intellectual and social development; successes encourage babies and their parents to expect ease in all endeavors; increased irritation with regard to nonverbal signals from people around them (may lead to exaggerated fears). The giftedness phenomenon is often accompanied by vulnerability, which is explained by egocentrism.


gifted children, behavior, studying, interaction.




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