Maryna Voloshenko. Peculiarities of Communication in Pedagogical Universities.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 64-67. Odessa.


Maryna Voloshenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Social Work
Odesa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



The main function of the pedagogical university is the formation of a future teacher’s personality. A university teacher significantly influences the professional competence of students at all stages of training. When conducting educational activities, he or she must demonstrate a high level of behavior culture, in particular, communication, to students who will implement their communicative culture in their professional activities then by communicating with the educational process participants at school. It should be noted that it is the university teacher to understand the consequences of improper organization of pedagogical communication and the complexity of the solution of communication problems. It confirms the importance of the university teacher’s personality and his/her role in the organization of communication in the process of future specialists training. Evaluating the role of pedagogical communication and determining its specificity in the university, one can conclude that the teacher, constantly included in the process of diverse relationships, should create conditions for successful pedagogical communication, be focused on the organization of joint activities with students, use different methods and technologies of their communicative competence development, have a high level of professional and communicative culture that promotes the creation of a coherent system for the training of future teachers.


teacher, communication, high school, university.




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