Serhii Cherniak. Project Background in Pedagogical Education: Lookback Study.

(2018) Science and education, 11-12, 5-10. Odessa.


Serhii Cherniak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor,
academic secretary, Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Variety Arts,
88, Zhylianska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article presents a retrospective analysis of the issue of the pedagogical education project background development. There have been reviewed the tools used for project background designing in the primitive society, such as stars, bones, and insides of animals. The predictive judgments of outstanding ancient philosophers have been outlined in the paper. In their works the predictive functions of education were aimed at self-cognition, building a powerful state, the unity of the universe. The development of the project background in the Athenian education system was based on the idea of the harmonious development of a personality as the core of education. The ways of the project background formation in the era of feudal society have also been highlighted in the study. The role of the founders of pedagogy of modern times in the development of education project background has been revealed as well as the provisions of the theory of project background in pedagogy of the XIX century. The development of the project background of pedagogical forecasting at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was conditioned by new concepts of education. The significance of futurology of the twentieth century in the context of the development of the project background has been substantiated. In the second half of the twentieth century, it was characterized by a significant increase in social requirements for the scientific justification of all components of teaching and educational activities at different levels of education. The paper also deals with the provisions of the project background of pedagogical forecasting in the theory of A. Makarenko about the team.


forecasting, predictive background, teacher education, retrospective analysis.




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