Tetiana Kravchyna. Understanding of Foreign Scientific Text as Factor of Professional Development of Future Mechanical Engineers.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 65-70. Odessa.


Tetiana Kravchyna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Khmelnytsky National University
11 Institutska Str., Khmelnitsky, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the study of the necessity for understanding the foreign scientific text in order to develop the intellectual culture of future technical specialists. It is found that the foreign scientific text has peculiarities of a language – namely, the ability of words to name, indicate and describe aspects of reality. Consequently, its main function is informative (message, explanation, clarification, elucidation, substantiation, classification of concepts, systematization of knowledge, reasoned argument); its task – the transfer of information. A foreign scientific text is a means of representing foreign scientific information, the result of scientific research. It necessarily reflects a certain problem, puts forward hypotheses, orients to new knowledge. It is characterized by expediency and rationality of all principles and orientated towards achieving research aims and objectives. It has a rational nature, consists of judgments, inferences, constructed according to the rules of the science and formal logics. The article describes the specifics of understanding and interpreting the foreign scientific text, examines the psychological peculiarities of the interpreter. For the qualitative understanding and interpretation of foreign scientific texts, the following components are necessary: a) vocabulary (native and foreign languages), in particular, use of scientific terminology; b) the general intellectual level (the higher the level of intelligence is, the more effective the process of understanding is); d) abilities (the combination of the learned and new information, its effective application, formation of a holistic view of the interpreted information); e) semantic-lexical proximity of the language of the foreign text to the interpreter's language (Slavic languages, in particular, Russian; and the influence of the cultural and historical peculiarities of the habitat of the interpreter); e) motivation to operate information (need for high professionalism characterizes the reasons for understanding and usage of information). As a result of the conducted empirical research there have been defined the levels of interpretation (scientific, emotional-sensitive, creative) as a component of understanding the foreign scientific text, the precondition of which is the level of intelligence; the dependence of the success of mechanical students’ academic and professional activity (high, medium, low) on the interpretation levels of foreign scientific text through the indicators of anxiety has been observed.


understanding, text, intelligence, speech, language.




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