Viktoriia Yahodnikova, Igor Racu, Anatolii Mykolaiets. Teachers’ Social Intelligence Examination.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 46-53. Odessa.


Viktoriia Yahodnikova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Odesa Institute “Interregional Academy of Staff Management”,
19, Chornomorskoho Kozatstva, Odesa, Ukraine,
Igor Racu,
Vice rector for Science and International Relations,
University professor, Ph.D.,
Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University,
1, Ion Creanga Street, Chisinau, Moldova,
Anatolii Mykolaiets,
PhD (Candidate of Public Administration), associate professor,
Department of Public Relations,
Interregional Academy of Staff Management,
2, Frometovska, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of social intelligence as a psychological characteristic of teacher’s personality, which forms the basis of his/her professionally significant qualities. Social intelligence is considered as integral intellectual ability, which ensures the success of social adaptation, the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction, includes the ability to cognize and predict the behavior of the educational process participants, understand and manage their own emotions and emotions of others. The cognitive, empathic and communicative-organizational criteria, which are interrelated and interdependent components of the structure of social intelligence, have been distinguished. The diagnostic toolkit is presented, according to which the results of experimental research on the development of teachers’ social intelligence, are revealed.


social intelligence, teachers, empathy, diagnostics, complex program.




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