Tetiana Larina, Zhanna Sydorenko. Examining Personality Viability Resources Through The Example of Euromaidan Movement During 2013-2014 in Ukraine.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 139-148. Odessa.


Tetiana Larina,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Senior research fellow, Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Laboratory of Social Psychology of Personality,
15, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Zhanna Sydorenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after M. Kotsiubynskyi,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine



The paper aims to identify resources of the personality viability associated with the events of the Euromaidan taking place in 2013-2014 in Ukraine; as well as to find out the features of coping strategies manifestation depending on the activation of psychosocial resources of the viability of an individual. The following research methods were used: The Ways of Coping Questionnaire by R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adapted by T.L. Kriukova, Mann-Whitney U-test. Besides, a questionnaire on viability resources was designed. The survey was conducted using Facebook in 2017. Those who wanted to take part in the survey filled in an online Google Forms document. Considering the events of Euromaidan as potentially traumatic, the actualization of such psychosocial resources of viability as tolerance to risk, optimistic attitude to the future, readiness to take an active public position; expectation of family support, were revealed in the respondents. Among the leading forms of psychosocial control over risks there were the desire to hold one’s own life positions, the possibility of further implementation of life plans. Some features of the manifestation of coping strategies were identified, depending on the activation of psychosocial resources of viability. For example, the Euromaidan activists tended to use “confrontational coping” aimed at “finding social support’, “positive revaluation” in the process of coping with difficulties. The respondents who monitored the events of Euromaidan in 2013-2014 also used strategies for confrontation and social support seeking, but at the same time they demonstrated an appeal to such copings as “self-control”, “acceptance of responsibility” and a tendency to “escaping/avoidance”.


psychological health, psychosocial resources, viability, traumatic events, risk, coping strategies.




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