Tetiana Shcherban, Iryna Bretsko. Psychological Peculiarities of Emotional Burnout of Adolescents in The Process of Communicating with Adults.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 131-138. Odessa.


Tetiana Shcherban,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Psychology,
Iryna Bretsko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The paper aims to study factors that provoke the emotional burnout syndrome in adolescents in terms of family environment and in educational interaction with teachers. The following research methods were applied: Emotional Burnout Scale (by V. Boyko), Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality (by T. Leary), General Emotional Orientation Inventory (by B. Dodonov), Emotional States Self-Assessment (by A. Wessmann, D. Rick), the 20-item UCLA loneliness scale (by D. Russell, M. Ferguson). 244 adolescents and 150 teachers participated in the study. The unwillingness of teachers to use dialogue communication in the educational process has been observed as a result of the survey. The communicative factors that provoke the emotional burnout syndrome of teenagers are as follows: the presence of significant differences in teachers regarding the needs, goals and interests of students; attitudes in the teachers’ communicative sphere; teachers’ unwillingness to use the dialogue in educational process. In order to investigate family communicative factors that provoke the formation of the emotional burnout syndrome, teenagers from boarding schools and secondary schools were examined. The psychological properties of family communication of adolescents have been investigated and the following communicative factors provoking the formation of an emotional burnout syndrome have been distinguished: role-communicative factors – lack or absence of proper family-role communication, inability to build their own communicative tendency in interaction with teachers; psychosocial: intensive communication in the microgroup of the orphanage, increased team responsibility; unfavorable psychological atmosphere of communication; psychologically difficult contingent for communication; personality-communicative: depression, emotional rigidity, weak motivation of emotional feedback as the absence or excessive manifestation of empathy, personal sphere problems (inadequate low self-esteem, anxiety, etc.).


 emotional burnout, communicative factors, adolescents, communication, teacher, family communicative factors, interpersonal communication.




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