Olena Bulhakova. Students’ Psychological Readiness For Social Interaction: System and Subjective Approach.

(2018) Science and education, 1, 117-123. Odessa.


Olena Bulhakova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
18, Pedahohichna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of students’ psychological readiness for different conditions of social interaction. 1527 students of the Odessa National Polytechnic University took part in the study. The following research methods were applied: 16PF Questionnaire by R. Cattell, Self-Attitude Inventory, Self-Confidence Inventory by V. Romek, test-questionnaire by A. Mehrabian, Life-Sense Orientations Test, test questionnaire of formal-dynamic indicators of sociability, a questionnaire for measuring the motivation of affiliation by A. Mehrabian, Emotional Maturity Scale, Communicative Tolerance Inventory, Social Adaptability Scale, test of assertiveness components, Differential Diagnostics of Propensity to Barriers of Public Speeches, Social Intelligence Scale. According to the research outcomes, the students’ psychological readiness for social interaction is a systemic phenomenon that has signs of adaptive processes regarding the social environment. This indicates the significance of joining the university environment and, consequently, the phenomena associated with socialization that are determined by the following circumstances: a) an educational system; b) a pedagogical system; c) a psychosocial system; d) an interpersonal system. Thus, psychological readiness of students for social interaction as a systemic phenomenon has signs of educational, pedagogical, psychosocial and interpersonal interaction. As a subjective phenomenon, it reflects the degree of autonomy and effectiveness of students in these interactions.


psychological readiness, social interaction, I-subject, we-subject, social subject.




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