Serhii Melnychuk. Psychological Peculiarities of Self-Confidence Types Becoming in Youth.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 42-47. Odessa.


Serhii Melnychuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Senior lecturer, Department of Social Work, Social Pedagogy and Psychology,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenka Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine



One of today’s relevant issues is youth’ self-confidence, which plays an important role in human activity as a subject of social interaction. In the article the theoretical analysis of the issue of self-confidence has been carried out; there have been distinguished and described its types: uncertain, unbalanced confident, harmoniously confident; and assertive. The experiment involved senior pupils and students aged from 16 to 22, as well as their teachers and parents. The total number of respondents was 458 people (youth - 393 people, senior pupils - 187 people, students - 206 people, 38 educators and 27 parents). The following research methods were used in the study: Blank Test - Confidence by O. Krupnov; “Motivation to succeed and Fear of Failure Inventory” by A. Rean; Express Diagnostics of the Propensity to Unmotivated Anxiety by B. Boyko, SelfEstimation Technique by Dembo-Rubinstein in the modification of G. Prykhozhan; Lange Yakubovsky’s “Responsible Assertive Behavior” Test; V. Romek’s “Self-confidence Test”, as well as expert evaluation (Delphi method). The data was processed by means of Statistica for Windows 20.02 program and Student’s t-test. The research has made it possible to highlight the specifics of the development of structural components of self-confidence in adolescence. In particular, the examination of cognitive component has revealed a low level of its development in the respondents, which manifests itself in the wrong understanding of the phenomenon of self-confidence, inadequately developed ability to distinguish confident, uncertain and aggressive behavior. The results of examining the emotional and appraisal component have shown that self-confidence in adolescence is characterized by domination of positive emotions associated with self-confidence and high self-esteem. The motivational-target component is manifested in the predominance of motivation for success, readiness to assume responsibility and striving for achievement, initiative, and purposefulness. The behavioral component of self-confidence is characterized by developed initiative in social contacts, social courage, externality and vigor.


 self-confidence, types of self-confidence, structure of confidence.




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