Іhor Halian. Methodological Bases of Distinguishing Types of Value-Sense Self-Regulation in Future Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 36-41. Odessa.


Іhor Halian,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), professor,
Department of Practical Psychology,
Drogobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
24, Ivan Franko Str., Drohobych, Ukraine



The paper considers the phenomenon of self-regulation, which is studied in the psychological science in the activity (focus on the regulation of actions), behavioural (behavioural regulation) and personality aspects. The study on selfregulation in the personality aspect which touches upon the transformation of human attitudes towards different types of activities, towards other people, oneself, prompted the differentiation of such a variety as value-sense self-regulation. The main peculiarity of its functioning is self-determination of the agent’s actions. In the context of our study, it is selfdetermination of the value-sense choice in different decision-making situations. The abovementioned has determined the need to single out a typology of value-sense self-regulation, which does not exist in psychology nowadays. Therefore, the aim of this study is to substantiate the methodology of distinguishing and analysing the types of value-sense self-regulation in personality. There have been made a comparative analysis of the obtained empirical results which helped to determine the criteria on the basis of which the types of value-sense self-regulation were singled out. Among them: the experience of the agent’s activity and regulatory competence, as well as personality factors in decisionmaking. There have been distinguished the following types of value-sense self-regulation: emotional-modelling, rational-programming, rational-planning, emotional-integrative. It is noted that each of these types is characterized by a specific set of personality features and characteristics that distinguish their carriers from the others. There has been ascertained the existence of individual peculiarities of self-regulation determined by various functioning of regulatory links and personality-regulatory features. The prospect for further research is the in-depth analysis of rationality and emotionality as personality factors of the value-sense choice.


 values, sense, value-sense self-regulation, value-based choice, type of value-sense self-regulation.




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