Inna Vizniuk. Typological Analysis of Hypochondriacal Disorders Genesis.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 30-35. Odessa.


Inna Vizniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Psychology and Social Education,
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Koziubynskyi,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine.



The article deals with theoretical and methodological analysis of the development of hypochondriacal disorders. The preservation of psychosomatic health is possible only if physiological, personal and social norms of the psychological potential of a person are consistent and stable. The experiment involved 53 clinical hospital and 56 mental health facility patients, as well as 11 patients having rest at the recreational center. The first stage implied holding interviews with the respondents in order to examine their psychological mood during a certain period of time. The second stage was carried out by means of using “Psychological States Inventory” by A. Prokhorov. Based on the first stage of the empirical study, it has been found that individuals with a somatic diagnosis experience mental states in the form of asthenia; emotional states do not reflect the internal aspect of the disease and therefore have non-specific origin; patients with somatic disorders are characterized by obsessive ideas, hypochondria, and psychological discomfort. The representatives of a group of people with psychological pathological status are characterized by increased emotionality concerning health conditions. It should be noted that according to normative indicators of correlations, there have been found some differences in the formation of personal balance in case of the integrity of the human body. In case of somatoform disorders there is a different intensity and different types of interaction: some correlations get increased while others get decreased. In case of illness there is a restructuring, change of information and energy components of the state. Hypochondriacal disorders are a prerequisite for the emergence of somatic disorders. Their primary genesis is a nosological form of manifestation and reflects the experiences of a person according to the severity of the disease. In the case of their occurrence as a series of concomitant symptoms, one notes their flow in the form of a syndrome.


hypochondriacal disorders, somatic diseases, mental states, correlations, emotions, emotional disturbances, nosologies, somatopathy, somatotonia.




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