Svitlana Yalanska, Oksana Moskalenko, Valentyn Marchenko. Psychodidactic Aspects of Future Teachers’ Creative Competence Formation.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 11-15. Odessa.


Svitlana Yalanska,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, head of the
Department of General, Age and Practical Psychology,
Oksana Moskalenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Physics and Mathematics,
Valentyn Marchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Physics and Methematics), associate professor,
Department of General Physics and Mathematics,
Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine,



The aim of the paper is to reveal the psychological peculiarities of the development of creative competence of future Physics and Mathematics teachers. The program which contributes to the development of creative competence of future teachers is presented in the article. The experiment involved 117 students-future teachers majoring in Physics and Mathematics (the experimental group consisted of 68 and was taught according to the designed program, and the control group – 50 persons – was taught using traditional methods). As a result of the experiment, there has been observed the increase of the level of creative competence in the experimental group of students, which is indicative of the efficiency of the designed program. It has been approbated during the courses “Psychology”, “Age Psychology”, “Psychology of Higher School”, “Organization of Scientific Research”, during the meetings of the scientific studio “The Way to Success”.


 creative competence, creative educational environment, future teacher, pedagogical creativity, faculty of Physics and Mathematics.




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