Olha Kaminska. Influence of Gender Behaviour on Peculiarities of Students’ Self-Attitude.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 111-115. Odessa.


Olha Kaminska,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
professor of the Department of General Psychology and Psychodiagnostics
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
12 Stepana Bandery street, Rivne, Ukraine



The article deals with the problem of the influence of gender behavior on the peculiarities of student youth’s self-attitude which is relevant in contemporary psychological science. The importance of this issue is predetermined by the destructive effect of negative self-attitude on various aspects of human’s vital activity: features of the motivational sphere, the emotional state of the individual, his/her self-esteem, “I-concept”, the specific nature of interpersonal interaction, the productivity of educational activity. Due to the gender mainstreaming concepts in the student age, associated with the orientation based on the choice of the future marital partner, during this period, there is an evident influence of the gender behavior type on selfattitude, that determines the prospects of its study. The aim of the study has been realized in the work, namely, the relationship between the prevailing type of gender behavior and the specificity of personal self-attitude has been established. Within the empirical research, the methods of testing and questioning have been used. The following patterns have been revealed: the androgynous type of gender behavior is related to self-perception, but the sexually-undifferentiated, hyperfeminic type of girls’ gender behavior and the feminine type of boys – to self-rejection; the hypermasculinous type of boys is associated with inadequate positive self-attitude, the androgynous – with adequate self-attitude with elements of criticality, and the sexuallyundifferentiated – with inadequately critical self-attitude.


gender behaviour, self-attitude, masculinity, androgyny, femininity.




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