Liudmyla Shuba, Viktoriia Shuba, Yuliia Yaremchuk. Peculiarities of Female Students’ Motivation For Physical Exercises.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 105-110. Odessa.


Liudmyla Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Culture and Sport Management,
Zaporizhzhia National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
Viktoriia Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports,
10, Naberezhna Peremohy Str., Dnipro, Ukraine,
Yuliia Yaremchuk,
assistant of the Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Bydgoszcz,
Representative of the Director of the The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz,
2, Garbary Str., Bydgoszcz, Poland



The paper aims to investigate the impact of the developed fitness technology on female students’ motivation for physical education classes. The suggested fitness technology for 17-20-year-old girls takes into account a number of important factors: the type of body type, the level of physical fitness and students’ physical health. Depending on these factors, the planning of load components was carried out. The experiment involved 51 girls aged from 17 to 20 years, who were divided into experimental (n = 25) and control (n = 26) groups. In the control group, classes were conducted according to a program that provided for the development of only those physical qualities that are necessary for the successful assimilation of motor activity techniques. Students of the experimental group were suggested to use the developed fitness technology, taking into account their individual characteristics. According to the questionnaire of A. Shaboltas “Motives that Encourage to Do Sports” it has been discovered that the developed fitness technology positively affects the motivational sphere of girls. The developed questionnaire, which was used after the study in both groups, showed positive results – most female students were happy to attend Physical Culture lessons and understood positive effect of sport on their health.


 technology, fitness, motivation, physical qualities, sports, girls, students.




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