Rashid Jabbarov. Factors Affecting the Development of Self-Realization Among Students of Different Professions.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 75-87. Odessa.


Rashid Jabbarov,
PhD in Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Social and Pedagogical Psychology,
Baku State University,
Z. Khalilov-38, Az 1148, Azerbaijan, Baku
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



In this research work, the relationship between self-realization of students of different specializations, educational level, gender and also, socio-economic status (high or low) in terms of their academic achievement is investigated. Unlike female students, there is a positive significant correlation between the level of male students’ self-realization and their academic achievement (p<0.05, r=-0.154*). There are also some significant correlations between their motivation of being well-educated professionals and self-perception (r=0.34**, on the level of p<0.001), cognitive demands (r=0.35**, on the level of p<0.001), self-assessment (r=0.36**, on the level of 0.001), creativity (r=0.24**, on the level of p<0.001), behavioural flexibility (r=0.22*, p<0.05). It means that the correlation between the students’ selfrealization and level of professionalism is bilateral. The student who has got high self-realization level considers himself/herself an independent one, is more interested in using creative methods in education and is motivated by positive dynamics of academic achievements. On the contrary, the students having low self-realization level tend to be governed, as a rule they have negative worldview and appreciate others.


 student, self-realization, self-esteem, academic achievement, professional counseling.




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