Nataliia Puzyrna. Correlation of Cognitive Qualities and Intelligence in Law Students.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 68-74. Odessa.


Nataliia Puzyrna,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Labor Law, Administrative Law and the Process,
Chernihiv National Technological University,
95, Shevchenko Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the structure of law students’ intellectual abilities in terms of studying at higher educational institutions. The research was aimed at studying cognitive styles of “reflection – impulsiveness”, “rigidity – the flexibility of cognitive control”, “field dependence – field independence” of law students. In order to examine the efficiency of intelligence an adult version of D. Wexler’s technique of was used. The determination of the level of metacognitive abilities maturity was carried out using the method of high-speed signal differentiation considering the number of errors made. The average time taken to complete all four tasks for classification and J. Kagan’s “Comparison of Similar Drawings” technique were used to study the cognitive style “impulsivity – reflectivity”, J. Stroop’s verbal-color interference test was applied in order to examine the cognitive style “rigidity – flexibility of cognitive control”. The research outcomes show that sensory performance is closely related to the individual-typological characteristics of a person. It can be assumed that stylistic differences depend on the degree of spontaneous intellectual control maturity, which is one of the components of metacognitive experience and through which the regulation of the process of information processing is carried out. The results of studying the cognitive-stylistic behavior of students with different levels of psychometric intelligence can confirm the hypothesis about the functional unity of productive and stylistic qualities. A specific manifestation of stylistic peculiarities can either decrease or increase intellectual efficiency and development of intellectual abilities of the individual. Features of cognitive-style behavior can act as intellectual resources, using which a subject has an opportunity to compensate for the lack of intellectual abilities development. This is evidenced by the results of the testing of a number of law students who have had low indices of general intelligence. This fact makes it possible to assume that people with different levels of intelligence differ in the main stylistic features of the intellectual resource, and stylistic indicators can be considered as indicators of intellectual maturity of the individual.


 cognitive styles, intellectual development of students, information processing, metacognitive structures, stylistic peculiarities.




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