Svitlana Khilko. Study of Future Psychologists’ Tolerance to Uncertainty Maturity.

(2017) Science and education, 9, 59-67. Odessa.


Svitlana Khilko,
senior lecturer, Department of Psychology and Personal Development,
post-graduate student,
University of Education Management of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-a, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of the preliminary stage of the experiment aimed at examining the maturity of tolerance to uncertainty in future psychologists. The purpose of the study is to determine the levels of tolerance to uncertainty in future psychologists, which consists of the following components: cognitive, affective, and conative. The experiment involved 282 respondents – students of psychological faculties of higher educational institutions, which, with a view to identifying socio-psychological factors in the formation of tolerance to uncertainty, were divided into groups according to gender, age, level of education, course of study, form of study, work experience, desire to work as a psychologist. The following research methods were used in the empirical study: a questionnaire for identifying future psychologists’ awareness of tolerance to uncertainty (author’s development), a method for diagnosing the level of reflexivity maturity, the method of “Personal Readiness for Changes”, a method for diagnosing the level of empathic abilities, Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire for, “Personal Factors of Decision-Making” questionnaire, a questionnaire of tolerance to uncertainty, the method “Tolerance to uncertainty”, statistical mathematical methods for processing data using the computer program SPSS (version 17.0). As a result of the study it has been found that most of future psychologists have low and moderate levels of maturity of cognitive, affective and conative components of tolerance to uncertainty. The developed methodological basis for the study of the formation of tolerance to uncertainty of future psychologists, consisting of cognitive, affective and conative components deepens the knowledge of the components of tolerance to uncertainty, which will be used in the program for forming tolerance to uncertainty in future psychologists.


tolerance to uncertainty, intolerance to uncertainty, interpersonal intolerance to uncertainty, coping strategy, future psychologists.




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